Haven Manor Assisted Living...PLUS+
Along with assisted living options, Haven Manor strives to accommodate our independent residents. As you compare facilities,
remember our apartment style living. Residents have the privacy of their own space, as well as the quality of care only offered by
Haven Manor.
Our independent living and assisted living residents live alongside each other. Why does this matter? Both groups
of residents benefit from our high staffing level, immediate assistance for urgent needs, and the secured building for their safety.
Couples needing a mix of independent and assisted living are able to live together, yet only pay for the services each one needs.
Independent Living offers:
Private apartments (Furnishings Available)
Housekeeping & personal laundry services
Daily meal options
activities tailored towards residents
Experienced & friendly staff
For more information about Independent Living at Haven
Manor Hickman call (402) 792-3088. Or, click here or on Contact Us button (above).